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Camp Info

Regeneration Calvary Chapel and Calvary Rathdrum are getting together to put on Summer Camp in 2021!!

Camp will be hosted at Riverview Bible Camp. Riverview is located just north of Newport Washington and is an amazing place for our camp!

Dates: July 16-19 | Cost: $200


Student Permission Slip MUST be signed and turned in 1 week  before leaving for camp. 

Are you ready to ENGAGE?

The last year and a half have been kinda crazy. Between covid-19, social distancing, masks, businesses and schools being shut down, vacations etc. I feel like we are living in a bit of a different world. A world where so many people have lost hope and DESPERATELY need Jesus! A world where those of us who have Jesus DESPERATELY need to be BOLD and ACTIVE about our faith. And a world where I believe King Jesus is ready to do a MIGHTY work! Are you prepared to engage in your faith? 
~Pastor Judah Draxlir

Why Camp? 

Cause why not?!?! It's that time of year again and that only means one thing, SUMMER CAMP!! Camp is for Jr. high and Highschool students who are looking to grow in their relationship with Christ and have a blast with their friends!! Even if you aren't so sure what you believe in, we invite you to come :) We will be there for 4 days hanging out, swimming, playing games, stuffing our faces, worshipping Jesus, and studying His Word. There's a lot to do there besides the fun things we have planned for you this year, some of those things are, a 40' amusement park slide, river front swimming, frisbee golf, gaga ball, hiking trails, outdoor basketball court, and an outdoor sand volleyball court.

What to Pack:

  • Bible/notepad/pen 

  • Pillow and sleeping bag 

  • Deodorant 

  • Toothbrush 

  • Clothes you don’t care about

  • Towel 

  • Swimsuit 

  • Flashlight 

  • Sunscreen 

  • Insect repellant 

  • Toiletries, toothbrush, shampoo 

  • Sweatshirt 

  • Instrument if you want

  • Close toed shoes and sandals

  • Some extra cash for the snack shack


What NOT to bring:

  • Gaming devices

  • Cell phone used only for pictures

  • Fireworks

  • Weapons

  • Lighters/matches 


Total cost is $200. Deposit of $50 is due by June 20th and the remaining balance is due by July 11. Payment options will be given through the registration process below. 

Student Info

To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.

Laptop and Phone

Payment Options

BEFORE making payment for camp, please be sure you go through the registration process using the form above. Click here to register now.

To pay by check: Please visit the church during church services and put payment in the offering box marked for camp or mail to: PO Box1593, Sandpoint, ID 83864 before due date. 

Calvary Chapel Dove

Simply Teaching The Bible Simply

130 McGhee Road #209, Sandpoint, ID 83864 (2nd floor)

208-557-WORD (9673)

Mailing: PO BOX 1593, SANDPOINT, ID 83864





©2024 by Regeneration Calvary Chapel

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